Category: Teaching


The marriage of Lady Philanthropy and Mister Impact

Yes, I know, this does not sound like breaking news. Some say they have already got married since long (not with a lot of clamor), others that they are a long established couple anyway. Does the ring really matter? Whatever the case, we all see that after years of turmoil, the couple is now at […]

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The greatest learning gift: being at ease with complexity

This year has gone and one of the richest experiences it brought along was the first edition of the course Nonprofits & Philanthropy. A class of 43 students, aged 20-22, from 14 countries, 5 continents: a global course, indeed. The first lecture starts with a slide titled “The nonprofit sector” and the Big Question suddenly […]

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One Little Boy

This poem has been given to me by a very special person long time ago. She is a Norwegian teacher. We used to work together at UNESCO, in Bangkok, in the Education Department. We were involved in the “Education For All” movement for South-East Asia and the Pacific. Even though this section will focus on […]

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