Curriculum Vitae


I help organizations finding their way to a more sustainable, equal and pleasant world.

I am a passionate facilitator of change.

I advise, train and research around philanthropy, social impact, social innovation and all fields where private creativity meets the public good.

I love to dedicate my time and energies to something more than my own interest.





Critical thinking; Analytic Writing; Public Speaking; Grant writing; Project Management; Programme Development; Impact Management; Impact Evaluation.


Previous Jobs

From July 2019 to October 2022 – Executive Director, Cottino Social Impact Campus, Turin.

From January 2019 to July 2019 – SDA Bocconi Associate Professor of Practice, Public Management and Policy, Government, Health and Not for Profit (GHNP) Division, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milan.

From October 2015 to January 2019 – Post-doctoral researcher and contract professor, Department of Social and Political Sciences (SPS), Bocconi University, Milan; Head of the Nonprofit Management & Philanthropy research area at the Centre for Research on Health and Social care management (CeRGAS), SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milan.

From January 2007 to July 2019 – Research Fellow, Centre for Research on Health and Social care management (CeRGAS), Bocconi University, Milan.


All about Education

2016 – Doctoral Degree (PhD), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Faculty of Public Health Policy, Department of Global Health and Development, London (UK).

2008 – Advanced Project Cycle Management (vocational diploma), Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), Milan.

2006 – Management of Public Administration and International Institution (MSc), Bocconi University, Milan. Final grade: 110/110 cum laude.

2005 – International Development and Cooperation (vocational diploma), Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), Milan.

2004 – Economics and Management of Public Administration and International Institution (BA), Bocconi University, Milan.


All about Research

Philanthropy and Impact: Uncovering innovation in impact management and evaluations (2018-2019). Sponsor: GHNP Division, SDA Bocconi School of Management. Role: Principal Investigator.

Future Welfare – the Future of European welfare systems (2017). Sponsor: KPMG. Role: Researcher.

The evaluation of the social innovation project [in Italian] (2016-2017). Sponsor: Fondazione Cariparma. Role: Principal Investigator.

The state of the art of social impact evaluation methods in Italian foundations (2015-2016). Sponsor: initial grant from IRPA (Italian Research on Philanthropy Awards). Role: Principal Investigator.

The economic and social impact evaluation of AVIS [in Italian] (2015-2016). Sponsor: AVIS [Italian Association of Blood Donors]. Role: Principal Investigator.

ITSSOIN – Assessing the impact of third sector as social innovation (2014- 2017). Sponsor: European Commission (FP7). Role: Project Coordinator (no lead partner).

FoodSaving – Investigating innovative solutions for food recovery (2014-2015). Sponsor: Cariplo Foundation and Lombardy Region. Role: Researcher.

An analysis of corporate welfare practices in Italy [in Italian] (2014). Sponsor: CNEL/Italian Ministry of Labour. Role: Researcher.

Global Health Policy Making and Management Training project (2009-2010). Sponsor: Cariplo Foundation. Role: Researcher.

Attaining Universal Health Coverage (2009-2010). Sponsor: The Rockefeller Foundation. Role: Researcher.


Teaching and Coordination Activities 

Philanthropy & Impact – executive program, 1-3 July 2019, SDA Bocconi School of Management. Program Director.

International Nonprofit Organizations & Strategic Philanthropy (previous Nonprofits & Philanthropy)  – course open to all undergraduate classes, Bocconi University. Responsible, 2016-to current.

Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations – undergraduate class CLEACC, Bocconi University. Responsible for English class, 2018.

Economia e Management delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche – undergraduate class, CLES, Bocconi University. Instructor, 2015 – to current.

Internship Program “Making sense of profits” – III, IV and V editions, Bocconi University. Coordinator, 2014-2016; Tutor, 2017-to current.

Executive Master  MIHMEP – International Healthcare Management, Economics and Policy, SDA Bocconi School of Management. Instructor in the module “Global Health and Development”, 2013-to current.

Master of Science Module “Health Policy, Process and Power” , London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Seminar Leader, 2012.

Executive Master of Public Administration Management, SDA Bocconi School of Management. Coordinator and Instructor for the module “Project Management for Public Administrations”, 2010.


Additional Information


  • Italian Research on Philanthropy Awards (IRPAs), 2017;
  • Italian Research on Philanthropy Awards (IRPAs), 2014;
  • Allan & Nesta Ferguson Trust– third year PhD sponsorship, 2012.


  • European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP)
  • Social Impact Agenda per l’Italia – National Advisory Board of the Global Steering Group (GSG) on impact investing

Leadership Programs and Training Programs

  • Bocconi Excellence in Advanced Teaching (BEAT) (2019).
  • International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) on ‘Immigration and Integration’ (2017), US Department of State.

Other professional experience, internships and volunteering

  • Voluntary Member of UNESCO Youth Committee (2015 – 2016), UNESCO Lombardy Region.
  • Ambassador for the Civil Society Pavilion at Expo 2015 (2015), Cascina Triulza, Civil Society Pavilion, Expo 2015.
  • Junior Expert Evaluator: Bi-national Plan for Peace between Ecuador and Peru (June-July 2009), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG Cooperation and Development, Quito (Ecuador) and Lima (Peru).
  • Internship at the Policy Analysis and Study Unit (2006), European Commission, Directorate General Development, Brussels (Belgium).
  • Internship at the Study and Analysis Unit (2005), Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Secretariat, Rome (Italy).
  • Internship at the Early Childhood Care and Education Unit (2004), Directorate General Education, UNESCO, Bangkok (Thailand).


Italian (mothertongue); English (proficient); French (intermediate).


Selected Publications


Ricciuti, E. & Bufali, M.V. 2019. ‘La Valutazione di Impatto Sociale (VIS): l’esperienza di AVIS’, Economia & Management, 2/2019.

Ricciuti, E. & Bufali, M.V.  2019. ‘The health and social impact of Blood Donors Associations: A Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis’, Evaluation and Program Planning, 73(2019), 204-213.

Ricciuti, E. & Calò, F. 2018. ‘Are foundations assessing their impact? Concepts, methods and barriers to social impact assessment in Italian foundations’, International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, first published online: October 29, 2018:

Ricciuti, E. & Turrini, A. 2018. ‘Foundations in Italy: What Roles and Challenges?’, American Behavioral Scientist, first published online: May 8, 2018:

Conference papers

Ricciuti, E., Rotolo, A. & Fosti, G. 2019. ‘Valutazione di impatto come capacity building: una leva di governo per il terzo settore’, IRIS Network, Roma, 24-25 May 2019.

Ricciuti, E. & Swierczynska, U. 2018. ‘Powering social innovations – the role of Italian foundations in facilitating social innovation. The grantees’ perspective’, Working Paper n.22, Vita&Pensiero, Milano: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2018.

Bufali, M.V. & Ricciuti, E. 2017. ‘Valutazione di Impatto Sociale (VIS): fra dibattito accademico, evoluzione normativa ed esperienze sul campo’, IRIS Network, Firenze, 26-27 May 2017.

Ricciuti, E. & Calò, F. 2016. ‘FoodSaving – Exploring the potential of nonprofits in the recovery, management and redistribution of food surplus to people in need’, United Nations Global Summit on Youth, New-York 21-26 September 2015.

Ricciuti, E. & Calò, F. 2014. ‘Exploring online accountability practices of Italian philanthropic foundations: A call for higher information disclosure’, The European Academy of Management (EURAM), Valencia 4-7 June 2014.

Ricciuti, E. & Calò, F. 2014. ‘Italian foundations facing fast changing needs: which tools for impact evaluation?’, IRIS Network, Perugia, 23-24 May 2014.

Calò, F. & Ricciuti, E. 2014. ‘Lost in translation: the Civil Act – making sense of the definition of the social enterprise in the Italian context’, IRIS Network, Perugia, 23-24 May 2014.

Books & book sections

Ricciuti, E., Berloto, S. 2019, “Facilitare l’innovazione sociale: il caso di Fondazione Cariplo”, in Notarnicola, E. (eds.), Il cambiamento del welfare locale: lezioni per il riposizionamento dei servizi pubblici, OCAP – Osservatorio per il cambiamento delle amministrazioni pubbliche. Egea.

Mensink, W., Čemova, L., Ricciuti, E. ‘Social Innovation in Community Development: self-organization and refugees’, in Anheier, H., Kriev, G. & Mildenberger, G. (eds) Social Innovation – Comparative Perspectives, Routledge, 2018.

Ricciuti, E., Calò, F. 2017, “NGOs and Governance”, in Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance. Springer.

Ricciuti, E. 2017, “La valutazione di impatto sociale (VIS)”, in Saturni, V., Fiorentini, G., Ricciuti, E. (eds.), La VIS di AVIS: La valutazione dell’impatto economico e sociale dell’Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangue. FrancoAngeli.

Ricciuti, E. 2017, “Fasi e metodologia della ricerca”, in Saturni, V., Fiorentini, G., Ricciuti, E. (eds.), La VIS di AVIS: La valutazione dell’impatto economico e sociale dell’Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangue. FrancoAngeli.

Ricciuti, E., Bufali, M.V. 2017, “L’impatto sociale delle Avis analizzate”, in Saturni, V., Fiorentini, G., Ricciuti, E. (eds.), La VIS di AVIS: La valutazione dell’impatto economico e sociale dell’Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangue. FrancoAngeli.

Fiorentini, G., Ricciuti, E., Bufali, M.V. 2017, “Conclusioni”, in Saturni, V., Fiorentini, G., Ricciuti, E. (eds.), La VIS di AVIS: La valutazione dell’impatto economico e sociale dell’Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangue. FrancoAngeli.

Ricciuti, E. 2017, “Le aziende nonprofit e le imprese socialmente responsabili”, in: Cucciniello, M., Fattore, G., Longo, F., Ricciuti, E., Turrini, A. (eds.), Manuale di management pubblico. Egea.

Baglioni, S., DePieri, B., Ricciuti, E., Soler, U., Tallarico, T. 2017, ‘European policies for the development of food security: strengths and weaknesses’, in: Baglioni, S., Calò, F., Garrone, P., Molteni, A. (eds.), Food Saving in Europe: at the crossroads of social innovation. Palgrave MacMillan.

Bramanti, V., Coeli, A., Ferri, L., Fiorentini, G., Ricciuti, E. 2017, ‘A model for analyzing non-profit organizations in food recovery chain’, in: Baglioni, S., Calò, F., Garrone, P., Molteni, A. (eds.), Food Saving in Europe: at the crossroads of social innovation. Palgrave MacMillan.

Coeli, A., DePieri, B., Ferri, L., Ricciuti, E., Sert, S. 2017, ‘Conclusion’, in: Baglioni, S., Calò, F., Garrone, P., Molteni, A. (eds.), Food Saving in Europe: at the crossroads of social innovation. Palgrave MacMillan.

Ricciuti, E. 2015, ‘Grant-making foundations for global health: governance and the role of the founder at the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Wellcome Trust’, in Ferlie, G. & Ongaro, E. (eds.), Strategic Management of Public Services Organizations. Routledge (peer reviewed).

Ricciuti, E. 2013, ‘The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’, in Missoni, E. & Alesani, D. (eds.), Management of International Organizations and NGOs. Palgrave MacMillan (peer reviewed).

Ricciuti, E. 2013, ‘Studying decision-making processes in private foundations for global health’, in Missoni, E. & Tediosi, F. (eds.), Education in Global Health Policy Making and Management. Egea.

Ricciuti, E., Tediosi, F. 2011, ‘Mobilità sanitaria europea e diritti dei pazienti: l’impatto della Direttiva 2011/24/UE sul SSN’, in Rapporto OASI 2011 – L’aziendalizzazione della sanità in Italia. Egea.

Ricciuti, E. 2010, ‘La compilazione guidata di un formulario’, in Brusoni, M., Vecchi, V. (eds.), Strumenti di Public Management per lo sviluppo del territorio. FrancoAngeli.

Macciò, L., Ricciuti, E. 2009, ‘La semplificazione amministrativa tra il dire e il fare’, in Valotti, G., Brusoni, M., Vecchi, V. (eds.), Semplificare per competere, White Paper OCAP. Egea.

Macciò, L., Ricciuti, E., 2009, ‘L’analisi delle best practice internazionali’, in Valotti, G., Brusoni, M., Vecchi, V. (eds.), Semplificare per competere, White Paper OCAP. Egea.

Ricciuti, E. 2008, ‘Turin, Spina 3’, in Dalla Longa, R. (ed.), Large Central European Cities: Renewal and New Competitive Advantage. Springer.


Mensink, W., Van den Berg, E., Ricciuti, E., Bauer, A., Eger, C., Navratil, J., Placier, K. 2016, Social innovation in community development. Deliverable 7.5 of the project: “Impact of the Third Sector as Social Innovation” (ITSSOIN), European Commission–7th Framework Programme. Brussels: European Commission, DG Research.

Centro di Ricerche sulla Gestione dell’Assistenza Sanitaria e Sociale (CERGAS), Università Bocconi. 2014, Il welfare aziendale contrattuale in Italia. CNEL/Ministero del Lavoro.

Doctoral Thesis

Ricciuti, E. 2016, Grant-making foundations for global health: what drives their decision-making?, Doctoral Thesis, University of London. DOI: 10.17037/PUBS.02997229

Press & Others

Evoluzioni e rivoluzioni nei modelli filantropici globali“. Percorsi di Secondo Welfare, 2020.

Reaching out to philanthropy muggles, aka an evolving community of scholars in a very biased snapshot“. Alliance Magazine, 2019.

Investitori sociali: ecco come misurano il loro impatto” [English version “Social Investors. How to measure their impact“] viaSarfatti25, 2019.

Impatto, condivisione e responsabilità: una rivoluzione per tutti“. Vita, 2018.

Fondazioni sull’orlo di una crisi di legittimità” [English version “On the verge of a legitimacy crisis“] viaSarfatti25, 2017.

Filantropia e valutazione: un processo di apprendimento organizzativo“. Vita, 2016.

Fondazioni e Università: partner naturali” (intervista). Il Giornale delle Fondazioni, 2016.

Impatto sociale: per misurarlo serve l’aiuto delle fondazioni“, with Francesca Calò. La Voce, 2015.

Assistenza sanitaria senza frontiere“, with Fabrizio Tediosi. La Voce, 2011.

“L’impatto della Direttiva 2011/24/UE sul SSN”, with Fabrizio Tediosi. Il Sole24Ore Sanità, 2011.